Green Turquoise Stone
Green Turquoise Stone
The Green Turquoise Stone is an original piece that displays a double layered necklace that beautifully winds and holds eye bones, turquoise stone clusters and large textured green turquoise stone. This necklace length is long and fits over your head to lay beautifully along your chest.
Original Nepali Materials.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Products Quality
Products Quality
Cozy & Desirable.
Acrylic Painting
The Painting that has captured the unique story to bold up.
Nari Boutique is a social venture supporting women in Nepal. And Nepal is a landlocked country, so if there is any damage dissatisfied with the products, we will be happy to replace products, but you will be responsible for the shipping cost of $35. We hope that you find satisfaction in our goods. Please email for any pressing concerns.
If you live in Nepal and would like to purchase this product, please email for the Nepali price, as it is adjusted for shipping and inflation.